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Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises- PG-13

By Jonathan Goodsell
Wow. What an amazing movie. Christopher Nolan pulls off yet another terrific film. The Dark Knight Rises was the epic ending to the Batman trilogy. When Bane, a new terrorist leader, moves into Gotham City, Bruce Wayne must push past his fears and resurrect the Batman in order to save his city.
I've heard many different opinions about this movie. Most of which debate between whether or not this was better or not then The Dark Knight. I personally think that it was better. The Dark Knight was amazing, but this was so much better. It wasn't all just explosions and fighting, the story line and plot were a much bigger part of the film. Another thing I loved was that there was so much more character development as Batman finally found his spot in the world and came to peace with his past. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. As always, the acting was just excellent. The directing was marvelous. The movie was just great. There was one thing I really loved and one thing I really hated about this film. First, the thing I loved. I loved the ending. Sure, it was kind of cliche and slightly unrealistic, but how Nolan set it up was just marvelous. There were two ways the movie could have ended, Nolan took the best of both worlds and created the perfect ending. He provided a suspenseful and exciting ending but also provided the opportunity for some else to easily pick up the series in a couple of ears. The thing I hated was the plot twist Nolan threw in near the end. It was completely unnecessary and would have been better without it. However, it's something that won't bother most people; it just bugged me a little.
The movie was actually pretty clean. The language was mild like the other films. The violence actually wasn't that bad. There are a couple fist fights with Batman and different terrorists from Bane's forces, and there are two intense fights between Bane and Batman. But over all the violence wasn't to bad. Much less than The Dark Knight, more reminiscent of Batman Begins. Though for all the violence, there is really no blood at all.  Catwoman wears a rather tight outfit, and Bruce Wayne has a lovely evening with a lady friend (strongly implied, nothing seen). Overall the movie wasn't terrible. The last half hour or so of the show is pretty intense, but it's not extreme and very enjoyable to watch.
I loved the movie. I loved how much more time they spent on story telling and character development then in the others. It was, essentially, the perfect ending to a perfect trilogy. I'd recommend the movie to anyone. So in my reviewer opinion, The Dark Knight Rises earns a spectacular 9/10

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